Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Gracious....even in Defeat!!
Throughout this whole year, the Presidential Race has been heated between John McCain and Barack Obama, which really isn't any surprise...it's Politics what would Politics be..without mud-slinging. Alot of verbal attacks between the 2 whether it was through debates or commercials. But all of that came to an end, when the nation chose our new President, and it wasn't John McCain. Now, for those that are reading this, your probably going to assume that this is going to be Bash Fest on John McCain...no, no my friends it's just the opposite!!!
Never had I been so moved by words coming from John McCain in his concession speech. He walked up to the podium, and admitted his defeat to Barack Obama, instead of speaking of what he could have done if he were President, he spoke extremely gracious and congratulatory words towards our new President, shooshing the crowd in front of him who were booing everytime John McCain said Barack's name. He, acknowledged that it was an honor to have ran against him in this Presidential Race, and that as a nation we should support him.....for the good of Our Beloved country. I, was moved to tears...Gracious, is an understatement. John McCain fought for our Freedom, and endured years of Torture as a Prisoner of War, his love and willingness to do anything for this country is inspiring. I, have such a great Respect for him, and all that he has been through...for our Freedom. I, undoubtedly believe that he will work alongside Barack Obama to help us with our economy, the war in Iraq, and the many other issues that we may have. This country is a better place with John McCain...and he should hold his head high for a good fight. Much Respect to you Senator McCain.

It's Time For A Change!!!

I, woke up Tuesday morning with great enthusiasm, knowing that this day, Election Day would go down in history. I, myself didn't vote till late afternoon, but having been watching the tv all day with Election coverage it gave me so much hope for how this election was going to turn out. After I voted, I came home immediately and my eyes were glued to the tube, switching back from CNN to CBS to NBC...and etc. It was early still yet, none of the polls had closed but as soon as 6pm rolled around(that's when some of the 1st polls began to close) I was getting more and more enthused and excited, then 2 of my cousins called me, and we were talking about the Presidential Race. And I was speaking and/or texting one of my cousins throughout the night, talking about how watching this specific Presidential Race was like watching sports 1 minute this team was in the lead, then the next minute the other team was in the lead...it was awesome!!! As we were both following the race, tell-tale signs began to appear leading up to 11pm. The tell-tale signs were that about a handful of states that had voted a certain party for more than 30+ years were changing their minds and voting a different party. It was like in the bottom of the 9th in a baseball game w/2 outs and the count is full...then all of a sudden you get that perfect pitch and out of the park that ball goes...game over!! Time check: 11pm...the news that alot of us, myself included have been waiting for...the nation votes President-elect Barack Obama!! An overwhelming feeling came over me, his acceptance speech, spoke to everyone, whether your a Dem. or Rep. or Independent, he spoke to you. He spoke to our entire Nation, yes he became our 1st Black President of the United States which also says alot about how this nation has evolved over the years, but it was a Victory for our entire Nation. He even reached out to those who didn't vote for him, saying that he needed their help to. I, feel so strongly that we needed this, we need him!! He gives me a sense of Hope that everything is going to be alright, that we will not regret having elected him our President of the United States......it's time for a change!!! And he's gonna lead us every step of the way.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What does my name mean??
Well, I was curious as to what my name meant, and how it describes me as a person. For the most part, the description below describes me almost..and I repeat almost to a tee. I don't really agree with the part where it says I don't tend to finish things, if anything it's the total opposite, I hate leaving things undone, and going on to the next project. My motto is "Finish What You Start". Anyhoo...not bad, not bad at all.
What Danielle Means |
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. |
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Okay, there's these series of books that my cuzz0s(slang for cousins) got me into. The first book of the series is called Twilight. This book is written by an author named Stephanie Meyer..err Meier (forgive me for i'm not exactly sure on how to spell her last name) but anyhoo, this series of books, revolves around vampires, humans, and a love story....yah sure it sounds like a teeny bopper kinda book, but it's actually an excellent read for all ages. I'm not much of a reader, except for the Harry Potter books of course, but this was a book that I just didn't want to put down. This book has everything in it from drama to love to suspense. I, first got into it, after my trip to North Carolina to visit my cuzz0s, a few days after I arrived in NC the 4th & latest installment of this series Breaking Dawn was coming out, and my cuzz0, made up a whole bunch of t-shirts for a whole gang of people, and we went to the midnight release of Breaking Dawn, needless to say there were some pretty interesting people there dressed up with makeup looking kinda gothic, and vampire like, it was weird...but FUN!!!! So, on my way back home I stopped in a Borders store and picked me up the first book Twilight, and read it in about 2 in a half days....it was that good & interesting. I, highly recommend reading these series of books, and i'd write more on this blog about this wonderful read, but that would take away from me reading the 2nd book New Moon so PEACE OUT...CUB SCOUT!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Coming to ya...from North Carolina
Hey There!! Well here I am again...on a real vacation out here in very, very, hot & humid North Carolina. I'm here for my cousins baptism. I, must say that it's been a long time since i've been to church, so for some reason i'm kind of nervous and excited at the same time, which is kind of silly I guess because I will always be welcome at church....oh well maybe it's just my complex thinking again..getting to my head. But nonetheless, i'm looking forward to my cousins baptism!! I, unfortunately head back to life back in NY on sunday, but let me tell you I gonna make these next 4 days(that's including today) last. So til I get back to NY......Peace Out!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I've been Tagged!!
Well, it's my first Tag!!! Whoo-hoo!! I, guess I have to name 5 things that I love in My Life...err I think...anyhoo here goes!!
My Life is filled with small blessings each day
My Life is complex, but so am I...sometimes=)
My Life is filled with people who care about me, just as much as I care about them
My Life does not suck
My Life is my family and friends!!
My Life is filled with small blessings each day
My Life is complex, but so am I...sometimes=)
My Life is filled with people who care about me, just as much as I care about them
My Life does not suck
My Life is my family and friends!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Work, work, work, and a little bit more work!!
I, work as a Warehouse Worker for Target Distribution Center in NY. I, absolutely love the job, and my co-workers. I get to work on 6 different pieces of equipment, which is nice, because you have a bunch of different work functions you can do, so it never gets boring. Well, anyways I work the weekend shift which is 6am to 6pm, 12 hour shifts saturday, sunday, and monday. I, don't mind the weekend shift, my only complaint is that I have to work on Sunday so I can't attend church which is a real bummer because I was a teacher in Primary, and on my last day @church before I started this job I found myself overwhelmed with tears because for about 4 in a half years, I did this and I grew to love the kids as well as all the church members. So for the past 2 in a half years, i've been trying to post to the shift during the week, but no such luck, even though I started a mere 5 months or so after everyone so many people still have seniority over me, but that's not going to stop me from still trying...so this coming fall season wish me luck, as I try to post to the other shift.
Monday, July 14, 2008
What a Vacation......Not Really!!
Well for about a year now, I had been anticipating a family reunion in Hawaii, on the isle of Kauai. It had been forever and a day since I had seen Ohana (sorry translation....family in hawaiian) that live in Hawaii. But little did I know that a thing called "the economy" would put a damper on my vacation plans. In January of this year I had been scoping out the price of airline tickets online everywhere..you name it: Orbitz, Expedia, Travelocity, Cheaptickets, and a gang of other places. At that time the roundtrip tickets from NY to Kauai, were decent with the average price going around $7-800. But I opted not to purchase the tickets so far in advance (...later I would beat myself over the head with that decision), mainly because in October of last year I had bought a new Jeep, so I chose to pay extra towards my car payments. At that time I didn't think anything of it, with there being mounds and mounds of overtime hours at my job, I just figured i'd save up money towards the Hawaii trip. Alright...fast forward to late April, early May in which that bad "economy" stuff started to come into play. The mounds of OT hours I was racking up at work, had become almost non-existent, the price of gas prices had reached an all-time high, and yes...the plane tickets }}insert: beating myself in the head{{ had reached an astronomical amount with the average for a plane ticket to Hawaii being a rough $12-$1300!!! What!!! Are you kidding me?? That was just the the airfare alone, that didn't include the hotel, the rental car, or spending money!! Needless to say, my vacation plans to Hawaii nei had turned to gloom. Although I wasn't the only one to feel the economy, my aunty & uncle, and a plethora of cousins had decided not to go. Instead I sit here typing in front of my PC.....while on vacation..nonetheless....ugggghhhh!! Chilling out within the confines of the lovely Adirondack Mountain in Hawaii.....errr nope.......NY!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
My Journey into Blogville!!
Well, after many moons of pondering whether or not to enter into the world of Blogging......I decided to give in!!! Thanks to my cousins, and or the fact that I get bored often. I'm not exactly sure if my blog is going to be as exciting or interesting as da Ohana's but i'm crossing my fingers...(lol....and toes for that matter=p). So folks, add me to your blogging stuff, or whatever you call it...the Rookie Blogger has entered The Building...or Computer Screen...so watch out!!!
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