Okay, there's these series of books that my cuzz0s(slang for cousins) got me into. The first book of the series is called Twilight. This book is written by an author named Stephanie Meyer..err Meier (forgive me for i'm not exactly sure on how to spell her last name) but anyhoo, this series of books, revolves around vampires, humans, and a love story....yah sure it sounds like a teeny bopper kinda book, but it's actually an excellent read for all ages. I'm not much of a reader, except for the Harry Potter books of course, but this was a book that I just didn't want to put down. This book has everything in it from drama to love to suspense. I, first got into it, after my trip to North Carolina to visit my cuzz0s, a few days after I arrived in NC the 4th & latest installment of this series Breaking Dawn was coming out, and my cuzz0, made up a whole bunch of t-shirts for a whole gang of people, and we went to the midnight release of Breaking Dawn, needless to say there were some pretty interesting people there dressed up with makeup looking kinda gothic, and vampire like, it was weird...but FUN!!!! So, on my way back home I stopped in a Borders store and picked me up the first book Twilight, and read it in about 2 in a half days....it was that good & interesting. I, highly recommend reading these series of books, and i'd write more on this blog about this wonderful read, but that would take away from me reading the 2nd book New Moon so PEACE OUT...CUB SCOUT!!
oh yeah oh yeah! well guess what?? Once everyone left and I had finished book 4, and was talking all about it with others. Mr. Incredible picked up Book 1, finished it, Book 2, Book 3, and now he is almost done with BOOK 4!! Can you believe?? He has been reading for 2wks. and is into the BOOK! LAME-O! nahhh... I like that he is reading them. Now, he can be my Edward! I promise you are GOING TO LOVE book FOUR!!!!! keep reading.
i LOVE the TWILIGHT books!!!
yeah...here is a warning though: you may fall in love {and/or lust} with a fictional vampire named Edward!!! and you MAY walk around like a zombie for a week until you can get the FOCUS back on REALITY and out of the BOOKS. {ha ha!}
Yep....they did that to me! ♥
p.s. Are you wondering how i found your blog??? yep...from Mrs. Mother Goose! {she is awesome!}
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