Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Work, work, work, and a little bit more work!!

I, work as a Warehouse Worker for Target Distribution Center in NY. I, absolutely love the job, and my co-workers. I get to work on 6 different pieces of equipment, which is nice, because you have a bunch of different work functions you can do, so it never gets boring. Well, anyways I work the weekend shift which is 6am to 6pm, 12 hour shifts saturday, sunday, and monday. I, don't mind the weekend shift, my only complaint is that I have to work on Sunday so I can't attend church which is a real bummer because I was a teacher in Primary, and on my last day @church before I started this job I found myself overwhelmed with tears because for about 4 in a half years, I did this and I grew to love the kids as well as all the church members. So for the past 2 in a half years, i've been trying to post to the shift during the week, but no such luck, even though I started a mere 5 months or so after everyone so many people still have seniority over me, but that's not going to stop me from still trying...so this coming fall season wish me luck, as I try to post to the other shift.


tiki_lady said...

I definitely have my prayers going out for you. i know how difficult it was for me, when I first started pulling the sunday shift. Maybe, you could alternate with someone so you do not have to work EVERY sunday. I started swapping with other people or paying, and now I can finally choose a shift where I have Sunday's off. Good luck to you.

LeolaniNYC said...

that is all one can do, keep trying. and keep doing your best and one of these days you'll get what you deserve.

tiki_lady said...

what I left a comment on here! Maybe you can swap out with someone, but I hope you will be able to get Sunday off!!! I hear you may be coming to NC

tiki_lady said...

I have just tagged you and your wonderful life. Please come to my blog to see the details.